Do you know your ‘’target audience‘’? Or are you just guessing?

One of the key questions for a brand, "who is our target audience?" is at the center of all marketing activities. Many successful brands owe their success stories to the fact that they have defined their target audience as their best friends. As a result of this, they produce the most suitable products and services for them with the valuable knowledge they have acquired in this regard.

3 mins read

Seth Godin

Everyone is not your customer

A wise marketing specialist closely follows the constantly developing and changing target audience, in other words, he/she often takes a walk in your customer's shoes.

The target audience is dynamic, like other marketing elements and metrics. Individuals who were in your target audience group for a period may be excluded from your target group in the future.

Individuals who will join your target audience may have different rituals, value judgments, and habits from the previous individuals. While this is the case, updating the target audience title in the business plan you created many years ago will minimize some of the risks your business will face in the future.

Let's take a closer look at the steps to create a target audience

Audience analysis is discussed under the following headings.

  • Demographic Analysis
  • Psychographic Analysis
  • Geographic Analysis
  • Behavioral Analysis

Demographic Analysis

A target audience definition made with this topic will cover a very wide group of people. In this analysis, in which parameters such as age, gender, location, marital status, sector, social class, nationality, education level, occupation, and generation are discussed, the mainframe of the target audience is drawn.

Psychographic Analysis

when this step is considered, lifestyle, preferences, habits, interests, beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors are examined. This step contains more specific information about the buyer persona profile. The first two steps can be thought of as performing segmentation in a large group. In the last step, we will be looking for answers to the most critical questions of the audience we have determined.

Geographic Analysis

In this step, the target audience is examined in terms of the city or country they live in, the region they live in, the climate they live in, and the population density. In this way, the target audience is narrowed down to a certain region. This step is especially important for local businesses. For example, if you are a restaurant owner, you should know the population density of the region you are in, the average income level of the people living in that region, and the age range of the people living in that region. In this way, you can make a more accurate analysis of your target audience. You can also use this information to create a more effective marketing strategy. For example, if you are a restaurant owner, you can create a more effective marketing strategy by knowing the age range of the people living in the region you are in.

Behavioral Analysis

subclassification is made based on the customer's interaction with the brand and the clues they leave behind. In addition, this study provides answers to critical questions about the customer journey (the funnel). Some examples of behavioral subgroups; Purchasing behaviors are examined under the subheadings of the stage in the purchasing process, occasion-based, benefit-oriented, and loyalty-based. While demographic and psychographic classifications can be made with tools such as preliminary research and social listening, behavioral classification can be made with data-based information. Therefore, behavioral classification is possible thanks to the skillful tracking and monitoring of digital assets of brands with different tools.

In the example below, let’s examine the ideal customer profile of a sneaker brand.

LikesFashion, French Cuisine
HabbitsGym, Personal Care
Traditional MediaEDM Radio Stations
Digital Channel #1Instagram - Leisure
Digital Channel #2Pinterest - Inspiration
Research MethodsYoutube, Reviews
Trusted ResourcesFriends, Influencers
Stage in FunnelConsideration
Time to Purchase1-2 months
Buyer TypeFussy
Buying PowerFully Entitled
Monthly Spend250€ Clothes-Shoes
Other Decision MakersClose Friends, Family
ReachabilityEasy to Reach

The critical point is that when they encounter content or an advertising element feels that this interaction comes from an individual who knows them very well and speaks their language.

Another prominent issue is the crises experienced in information security and the restrictions made within the framework of respect for private life. Access and processing of user data are becoming more limited day by day, and reaching the right audience will be more difficult than in the past. Therefore, it will be more valuable to produce elements that will attract your audience to your brand.

Moreover, ideal customer profiles, which will be analyzed by the targeting groups and filters of the platforms, will be of great benefit to businesses.

While creating the ideal customer profile, the points mentioned above can be expanded and new segments can be produced with different parameters. Just as each institution has its own unique DNA, its target audience should also have its characteristics.

Like any other marketing activity, determinated target audience must be tested, edited, and optimized. The first study should be developed over time and should always be kept up to date with new findings.

If you find it difficult to take the first step in this matter or do not know where to start, you can contact us here!

Always come up with new ideas, present them, don't forget to adjust and optimize!

#digitalmarketing #marketing #buyerpersona #targetaudience

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